
Let’s make progress together

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Staff training/PD 

If you are looking to integrate generative AI tools into your curriculum to enhance the learning experience and outcomes for students, we can help your teaching team develop the skills necessary to adapt to the future of design education. We tailor our programs to meet the unique needs of each faculty and specialization, whether through introductory webinars, personalized coaching, interactive workshops, or online courses.
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Student courses 

Whether you are looking to enhance existing modules with the power of AI, or need us to develop completely new projects to enable students to learn a variety of generative AI tools, we are here to assist your efforts. We look at your institution's needs and ensure that you are implementing generative AI in the most ethical way possible, giving students lifelong skills for future employability.


Partner for your  teaching team

Education of the future must leverage Generative AI tools to give students the best possible chance of adapting to changing job markets. We work closely with your teaching team to develop programs which take advantage of the most popular Gen AI tools. From informative webinars and workshops to comprehensive online and hybrid courses, we have everything you need for your teaching team or students.
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Benefits of our programs

Industry orientated approach

Our commercial experience allows us to keep a pulse on industry changes. All our programs are written with students' future careers in mind

Industry orientated 

Most up to date Generative AI tools

Generative AI evolve on weekly basis creating new opportunities but also new debates. We update our courses following technological development  

Up to date

Ethical and responsible use of Generative AI tools 

Academic integrity is in the heart of our programs. We always discuss limitations, truthfulness, biases and explore new ways for students' assessments. 

Ethical approach 
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